👹 It's Setsubun Day 🇯🇵 Competition Time 😊
Everyone, Happy Setsubun Day! 🌟☺️ Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. On this day, we drive away bad luck and evil spirits from the new year to come.
One of the main rituals we do on Setsubun day is mamemaki, which involves roasted soybeans being thrown out of the front door, or at a family member wearing an oni mask (devil mask). This symbolises the action of "Devils out! Fortune in!"
🎉Celebrate this special day with us by joining our Setsubun colouring competition and win a £30 voucher🌟
To join, just simply follow the step below:
1. Download the colouring sheet from above.
2. Send your colouring sheet to info@owayurika.com/tag us on Instagram with your version of colouring sheet
3. Follow us on Instagram
4. Sign up to our newsletter
Winner will be announced in a month, by the end of February! Good luck and have fun everyone 😊💫🌿